Indian Writings

Indian Writings
Indian Writings
"Indian writings" from a sign posted near Moab, Utah (where the 2016 annual Plein air event starts tomorrow), pretty well sums up art history in America for a few thousand years. As Picasso remarked after a tour of some European cave paintings, "we have learned nothing"

However I might view my own small place in the history of contemporary art in America, it is still an exciting adventure to me and I'm thrilled to be involved in two major art shows in the same week!

The Oldfield Show in Puyallup, WA October 7-9 where I have been invited to exhibit 40 plus originals from Europe, Cuba and the U.S., as well as the upcoming Moab Plein Air festival. If you are anywhere near these two places by next weekend, stop by and see my latest works.